Thank you for your interest in applying for the Anna M. Heilmaier Charitable Foundation Grant. The application process is completed in two parts. In Part One of the process (below) you will complete a PDF application and prepare required supplementary documents as instructed below. In Part Two of the process, you will upload your application and documents as well as provide us with any additional information that may help us process your application.
Step 1 – Download the Application Form and complete it according to the following instructions
Before completing the application, please read these instructions carefully. Incomplete applications will not be considered until all requirements have been met. Applications must be received no later than the deadline date of March 1 to receive consideration by the Foundation's Co-trustees.
Please type answers to each question within the space provided only and do not use a type smaller than 10pt. Use a separate attachment for extended answers. Save your application in PDF format to prepare for upload.
Step 2 – Scan and save the application in PDF format to prepare for upload.
Step 3 – Prepare the required supplementary documents as listed below
Once you have gathered these documents, save them in PDF format to prepare for upload.
- Current Financial Statement—audited if available
- Current Year Detailed Agency Budget—include income and expenses
- Detailed Project Budget—including income and expenses
(not required on general operating requests) - Copy of IRS 501 (c) (3) Tax Exemption Determination Letter
- One page cover letter
- List of Officers and Board Members
- Brief description of key staff, including qualifications relevant to the specific request
Step 4 – Provide descriptive brochure of your organization if available
Step 5 – Proceed to Part Two of the Application Process, where you will upload the files you have prepared.
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