
What are the areas of focus for the foundation?
Do I need to submt a letter of inquiry?
How do I apply for a grant?
How often can I submit a grant proposal/request?
What is the deadline date for grant proposals/requests?
What happens if I turn in my proposal/request late?
Can I apply for a capital grant?
What is the Minimum Grant amount?
What is the Maximum Grant amount?
Am I eligible to apply if my organization is outside the Twin Cities metro area?
Does the Heilmaier Foundation support endowments?
My organization is not a non-profit organization, may I submit a proposal?
How will I know if I have been approved or denied for a grant?


What are the areas of focus for the foundation?
Chamber and classical music organizations for education and programs

Organizations and programs with a focus on healthcare, treatment of cancers, diseases of the eye and other diseases of the human body and medical research in those areas. { return to questions }

Do I need to submit a letter of inquiry?
A letter of inquiry is unnecessary. Submission of the grant proposal/request is all that is necessary
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How do I apply for a grant?
Submit your grant proposal/request electronically according to the instructions on the application page of this web site. { return to questions }

How often can I submit a grant proposal/request?
The Anna M. Heilmaier Foundation will consider grant proposals/requests from non-profit organizations once a year. { return to questions }

What is the deadline date for grant proposals/requests?
May 1st { return to questions }

What happens if I turn in my proposal/request late?
Unfortunately, late proposals will not be considered. { return to questions }

Can I apply for a capital grant?
Yes. The Anna M. Heilmaier Foundation does consider capital grant request which may be paid over a multi-year period. { return to questions }

What is the Minimum Grant amount?
$1,000.00 { return to questions }

What is the Maximum Grant amount?
$50,000.00 however, grants may be made up to $150,000.00 paid over several years for major capital initiatives. { return to questions }

Am I eligible to apply if my organization is outside the Twin cities metro area?
No. The Anna M. Heilmaier Foundation only makes awards to charitable organizations and projects which benefit communities in the St.Paul and East Twin Cities metro region. { return to questions }

Does the Heilmaier foundation support endowments?
No. the Anna M. Heilmaier Foundations does not support endowments. { return to questions }

My organization is not a non-profit organization, may I submit a proposal?
No. Grants are only made to non-profit tax exempt organizations as defined in Sections 509 (a) and 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code with public charity status. { return to questions }

How will I know if I have been approved or denied for a grant?
You will receive a letter notifying you of the Foundation's decision. If you have been approved, the grant check will be included with your letter.
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