
The foundation is dedicated to the grantor’s expressed interest in the arts, healthcare and civic life of Saint Paul, Minnesota and supports non-profit organizations located in and/or delivering services in Saint Paul and the East Twin Cities metro region.

In addition, the foundation does not make grants for the following, film and video production; lobbying or political activities; debt reduction; endowment; support of individuals; travel; activities that do not benefit St Paul or the east metropolitan area; fund raising for purposes of re-granting to other organizations or programs, projects, causes outside the scope of healthcare and classical and chamber music.


Grant Requests

  • Application deadlines are May 1st of each calendar year.

Application Statistics

  • The annual grant making budget is approximately $300,000.
  • The maximum “eligible” annual grant is $50,000.
  • Grants of up to $150,000 are made for major capital initiatives,
    disbursed in annual payments over a period of years


  • To be received by January 31 of the year following the receipt of a grant
  • Gift Acknowledgement Letter
    1. Date grant was received
    2. Amount of grant
    3. Within the body of the letter (no goods or services were received in exchange for this grant)
  • Mailed to:

U.S. Bank Charitable Services Group
101 E 5th Street
St. Paul, MN 55101

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